Citizens Charter of the Shillong Municipal Board

The objective of the Citizens Charter exercise is to build bridges between citizens and Shillong Municipal Board (SMB) and to streamline SMB in tune with the needs of Residents. This exercise, if appropriately conceived and carried out, can enthuse and enable SMB to tune their planning, policy and performance to the needs and concerns of Residents/ stakeholders/ users/ clients.

Mission statement of S.M.B

The SMB endeavours to provide to all taxpayers /Residents:

  • Quality service for a clean congenial and pollution free town enhancing the right to public health for every tax Payers/Residents.
  • Safe and sufficient water supply to all tax payers / Residents.
  • Free and safe access to footpath, work ways, parking areas and other facilities for living space.
  • The right for planned living spaces which spacious, where there is adequate and free circulation of air and adheres to provisions.
  • Planned and hygienic market place.
  • Regulated service of milk supply, food joints, lodging place, for quality and hygienic services.
  • Efficient service to all tax payers

Service Provided By S.M.B.

  • Water supply
  • Waste management and sanitation
  • Operation and maintenance of municipal markets and municipal road side stalls.
  • Regulation of hygienic conditions of food stalls, restaurants, hotels etc
  • Regulation of movements of carts, animals.
  • Provisions of parking spaces.
  • Maintenance of drainage systems, public toilets, parking lots etc
  • Improving living standard of urban poor, through various components of Swarna Jayanti
  • Sahari Rojgar Yojana and national slum development program.

The following links capture the citizen’s charter pertaining to the following departments: