Frequently Asked Questions Pertaining to Health and Sanitation Department

What is to be done incase of garbage not being collected or community bin is found overflowing?
You can register your complain to Health and Sanitation department by making a phone call or by submitting a written complain to the department. The garbage shall be collected within 24 hours on receiving the complaint regarding non collection of garbage.

What is the frequency of garbage collection from commercial and residential areas?
Garbage is collected from the Commercial areas everyday regularly including Sunday and Festive Holidays. In residential areas it is lifted on alternate day generally.

What is to be done if garbage is being burned?
Garbage is not allowed to burn by SMB as per directive of Meghalaya State Pollution Control Board, Shillong. If any burning of garbage is noticed by the Municipal staff, the garbage is lifted within 12 hours after dousing the fire from the area.

What is to be done incase of lifting of debris from building material?
Debris is not allowed to dump in dustbins or spots by SMB. The debris should be disposed of by the party/contractors etc by engaging their own means of transport within 24 hours. However they will be asked to obtain permission from this office to dispose it off at the trenching ground Marten Mawiong on payment basis.

What is to be done incase the roads are not swept and public toilets are not cleaned?
You can register your complain to Health and Sanitation department by making a phone call or by submitting a written complain to the department. Sweeping of road and cleaning of the toilet is arranged within 24 hours on receiving the complaint positively.

What is to be done if I want to clean my septic tank?
You can register your request to Health and Sanitation department by making a phone call or by personal approach. Cleaning of Septic tank is done in and outside Municipal area within 24 hours on payment basis @ Rs.4500/- (inside municipal area)and Rs.7000/- (upto GSPA) and Rs 9000/- (Surrounding areas outside GSPA ) per trip respectively by the cess pool cleaner.

Is there a provision of garbage collection from private premises? if yes, then what is the process?
Yes there is a provision through formal application to the SMB. Garbage is collected from private premises within and outside Municipal area @ Rs.2200/-(within municipal area) and Rs.2700/-(outside municipal area) per trip respectively on regular basis. Complaints are attended within 24 hours regarding non-collection of garbage.

What is to be done incase of Bio-medical waste to be collected from hospitals/nursing homes/Clinic/Laboratory etc ?
Applicant has to formally submit an application to the department. Bio-medical waste is collected from hospitals and nursing homes on payment basis @ Rs.2/- per bed per day. For Clinic and laboratory waste, the charges vary from Rs.500/- to Rs.5000/- depending on the Volume of waste. Further, SMB is having a bio-medical waste collection vehicle designed as per the provisions of BMW (Management & Handling) Rules 1998. BMW collected by this special vehicle is incinerated at BMW treatment plant at Marten Mawiong. Complaints regarding non-collection of Bio-medical waste shall be attended within 24 hours.

What is to be done incase of drain choke off or to be cleaned?
You can register your request to Health and Sanitation department by making a phone call or by personal approach and lodge a complaint and the complain shall be attended on priority basis.

What is to be done for removal of carcasses?
A complaint has be lodged at Health and Sanitation department by making a phone call or by personal approach and the complain shall be attended within 24 hours

What is to be done if animal (dogs, cattles etc.) creates nuisance?
You can lodge you complain through call or by personal approach to Health and Sanitation Department and complain shall be attended within 24 hours.

What is done incase of flooding in lowline areas?
You can register your request to Health and Sanitation department by making a phone call or by personal approach and the complain shall be attended ly.